19969 Red


Step into an enchanting world of elegance with this long-beaded prom gown. The V-neckline adds a touch of sophistication, drawing attention to the neckline with grace. The entire prom gown is adorned with intricate beadwork, creating a dazzling display that catches the light and ensures you sparkle with every step.

As your gaze descends, a feathered skirt takes center stage, adding a whimsical and ethereal touch to the ensemble. The feathery details create movement and texture, transforming the gown into a work of art.

A high leg slit reveals just the right amount of leg, allowing for graceful movement and adding a sultry element to the overall look. Completing the ensemble is a lace-up back, a timeless detail that not only ensures a perfect fit but also adds a hint of romance to this captivating gown.

This long beaded gown with a V-neck, feathered skirt, high leg slit, and lace-up back is not just a dress; it's a masterpiece designed to make you feel extraordinary. Perfect for galas, formal events, or any occasion where you want to make a stunning entrance, this gown promises to turn heads and leave a lasting impression.

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